Second Coming


Title: SECOND COMING      

Genre: Comedy

Budget: TBC

Run time: 90-120 Minutes

Distribution: Genre is marketable for both Domestic & International distribution across all licensing platforms

Demographics: PG

Rating: 13

Streaming, Cable Broadcast: Amazon Studios, Netflix, HBO Max, Peacock, Disney Plus, Apple TV, & Hulu, Sky, History Channel

Executive Producers: TBA

Producers: Russell Gow, Thomas Hauser

Created and Written by Thomas Hauser, Russell Gow

Director: TBP

Graphic Design: Thomas Hauser

Location(s): TBP


Second Coming" follows the quirky and heartwarming journey of Joseph Muller, a disenchanted electronics store clerk whose life takes an unexpected turn after he suffers a minor head injury. Awakening with the steadfast belief that he’s been chosen by God, Joseph decides it's his divine mission to bring peace, love, and miracles to the modern world, starting with his home City.

Armed with nothing but his unshakeable faith and a makeshift robe, Joseph sets out to gather disciples and spread his message. His first "miracles" are less than successful, ranging from a comical attempt to turn tap water into wine at a local bar to a failed endeavour to walk on water at the community pool. Despite the setbacks, Joseph’s earnestness and bizarre antics begin to attract a following, including his best friend, Klaus, who supports Klaus with a healthy dose of scepticism and humor. Joseph’s friend Sky, a local dancer, encourages and helps guide him as well. Joseph’s mission soon catches the eye of Lisa Chang, a local newspaper reporter looking for her big break. Sensing a story in Joseph’s peculiar journey, Lisa begins to cover his exploits, inadvertently catapulting him into the media spotlight. This attention also brings Joseph to the notice of Reverend Thompson, a local pastor who sees potential in Joseph’s message, despite its unconventional delivery. As Joseph’s following grows, so too does the scrutiny of his actions. His family, particularly his pragmatic sister Maria, worries about the implications of his delusions of grandeur. The climax of the story occurs when Joseph’s planned miracle—a spectacular event meant to unite and uplift the city—doesn't go as planned. In the face of public disappointment and personal disillusionment, Joseph experiences a moment of profound clarity. With the help of Reverend Thompson, Lisa, and Sky, Joseph realizes that true miracles lie not in grand gestures but in the small acts of kindness and connection.

In the end, "Second Coming" is a story of redemption, friendship, and the discovery of one's true purpose. Joseph returns to his life, not as a messiah, but as a man who has inspired his community to come together in compassion and understanding. Or is there something else… Through laughter and tears, "Second Coming" explores what it means to believe—in oneself, in others, and in the power of the human spirit to effect change in the world.

Second Coming - IMDbPro Link (Coming Soon)
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