


Genre: Espionage, Action, Suspense

Budget: TBP

Run time: Feature Film 90-120 Min

Distribution: Genre is marketable for both Domestic & International distribution across all licensing platforms

Demographics: PG

Rating: 13

Streaming, Cable Broadcast: Amazon Studios, Netflix, HBO Max, Peacock, Disney Plus, Apple TV, & Hulu, Sky, History Channel

Executive Producers: TBP

Producers: Russell Gow, Martin Nuza, Thomas Hauser

Created and Written by: Russell Gow, Martin Nuza

Director: TBP

Location(s):  TBP


In the high-stakes world of international espionage, "Pinpoint" takes audiences on an adrenaline-fueled journey as US and UK agents find themselves locked in a deadly game of cat and mouse with a cunning Russian agent. When this unidentified operative eliminates a key government official, the clock starts ticking, and a race against time begins to apprehend the elusive infiltrator. Set in the gritty backdrop of a post-Brexit London, tensions between nations are at an all-time high. Fearing the repercussions of a powerful alliance, the US and UK governments are compelled to set aside their differences and pool resources. Enter Agent Liam Turner, a seasoned American spy with a sharp eye for detail, and Agent Charlotte Ross, a quick-witted British intelligence officer renowned for her unparalleled deduction skills. As the duo joins forces, they are thrust into a relentless pursuit spanning Europe. Facinga series of treacherous obstacles that are multiply orchestrated by their Russian adversary, the agents must adapt on the fly, question their loyalties, and constantlyrecalibrate their strategies. Along their journey, Liam and Charlotte encounter a diverse array of characters, including an enigmatic informant with a murky past, arogue operative seeking redemption, and a shadowy figure orchestrating this game of manipulation from behind the scenes. Faced with internal moral dilemmas and personal sacrifices, the agents' resilience is put to the test, pushing them to their physical and emotional limits. As the plot thickens, the true motive behind the Russian agent's brazen actions is gradually unveiled, leading to a heart-stopping climax in the heart of Moscow. With the fate of diplomatic relationships hanging in the balance, Liam and Charlotte must summon their collective strength, wits, and the spirit of collaboration to bring down their formidable target. Their relentless pursuit culminates in a thrilling showdown, where the line between justice and vengeance becomes blurred. In a nail-biting, pulse-pounding finale, "Pinpoint" explores themes of trust, sacrifice, and the power dynamics between nations. The seemingly insurmountable obstacles faced by our protagonists ultimately serve as catalysts for self-discovery and redemption, reminding us that in the face of adversity, the strength of an alliance can make all the difference. With slick action sequences, unexpected plot twists, and a riveting writing style, "Pinpoint" delivers an immersive and heart-racing experience that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very last frame.

Pinpoint IMDbPro Link (coming soon)
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