


Genre: Sci-Fi Suspense Thriller

Budget: TBC

Run time: 90-120 Minutes

Distribution: Genre is marketable for both Domestic & International distribution across all licensing platforms

Demographics: PG

Rating: 13

Streaming, Cable Broadcast: Amazon Studios, Netflix, HBO Max, Peacock, Disney Plus, Apple TV, & Hulu, Sky, History Channel

Executive Producers: Russell Gow, Thomas Hauser

Producers: Russell Gow, Thomas Hauser

Created and Written by: Russell Gow, Thomas Hauser

Director: TBP

Graphic Design: Thomas Hauser

Location(s):  TBP


In the scorching deserts of New Mexico, a team of archaeologist stumbles upon a discovery that defies all logic and propels humanity into an unprecedented crisis. Ancient alien remains, tightly cocooned in a mystifying organic substance, are unearthed, forever altering the course of history. When these beings unexpectedly reawaken, chaos ensues in a covert government facility, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Dr. Elizabeth Foster, driven by unwavering dedication to both science and compassion, finds herself in a race against time, confronting trust issues, personal connections, and moral dilemmas. As secrets unravel and allegiances shift, she embarks on a quest to bridge the gap between species, revealing that empathy may be the ultimate key to averting a global catastrophe. "Regenerate" is a riveting science fiction thriller that delves deep into the boundaries of scientific discovery and the profound capacity for human understanding. In the heart of this pulse-pounding thriller lies a remarkable story of survival, transformation, and the power of connection in the face of the unknown. As Dr. Foster and her team navigate the treacherous waters of government secrecy and unearthly beings, they uncover the staggering potential of these regenerating entities to reshape the world itself. This high-stakes journey unfolds against the relentless backdrop of an alien awakening, as humanity grapples with its most profound challenge yet - coexisting with an enigmatic species from the stars. "Regenerate" is a captivating odyssey into the uncharted territories of empathy, science, and survival, offering a thrilling and thought-provoking cinematic experience that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

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